Sunday, May 6, 2012

Over Her Head Elsie Russell a great discovery...

In Over Her Head
In Over Her Head

In Over Her Head This is an incredibly fun book to read and hard to put down once you start. For those of us who live and breathe music and art it is especially wickedly funny and especially poignantly disturbing. The story takes place in New York Paris and for a brief sojourn in Rome and the author's intimate knowledge of and love for these places is overwhelming. I felt like I was there wherever she took me the reader.
a great discovery am well into this book and it's a great read. an interesting combination of art tech and place. i came across this by chance and am glad of it.paid $1 here should be 10 times that really. my only disappointment and not the author's fault the kindle edition not sure about paper is full of typos some other errors. sloppy butnot letting it ruin the read. look forward to more from this author.EDIT am still reading this and there are a LOT of typos. bad spelling words out of place shame really.

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