Sunday, April 1, 2012

Home Decorators Bible Anoop Parikh Home Decorators Bible

The Home Decorator's Bible So good I bought 2 for friends with new homes. By A Customer This is the most informative decorating book I've come across. It tells you how to do and make everything you could possibly need for your home with easy to follow instructions.
Great Decorator's Book! By A Customer Wonderful pictures ideas and howto directions! Has history behind some decorating trends plus ideas for every room.
BUY this book! If you have any quetitons about interior decorating this book will give you the answers. Some of the pictures seem a little outdated but all in all it's a great book. There are wonderful examples and explanations of the technical part of decorating. I'm very pleased to have this book in my personal library and will refer to it often.
Pure inspiration
Pretty good The book covers just about everything but I wouldn't recommend it for a beginner.
Full of Information Tips & Color Photos By A Customer I cannot recommend this book highly enough for anyone who intends to decorate or remodel their home. As the slipcase states it is an unrivaled visual sourcebook with almost 1000 color photos and illustrations.It is not just full of prety pictures of someone else's house decorated by experts but full of projects you can do yourself as you are led through the steps details and directories of where you can obtain the materials.I've had this book since it came out and have shown it to many friends who have gone out and bought their own copies. An indespensible book for anyonew thinking of undertaking a project themselves or to afford them the ideas and knowledge to have others do the work for them.
Home Decorators Bible The book provided interesting decorating options for most people however it was not as current as I would have liked.

Written by a team of acclaimed professionals in the field of interior design and beautifully illustrated with 350 full-color photographs and 500 drawings, this is the book to turn to for solid advice, instruction, and up-to-the-minute decorating ideas.

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