Real Women in the Civil War This is an unusual novel about the marvelous ways which women gave comfort and love during the civil war an ode of love as responsibility in the care of others. While many books chronicle the adventures of males during this war this is the first I have seen to get to the heart of the woman as homemaker caregiver and patriot. It is a book you will remember and ponder long after reading. The characters are diverse and stimulating. As fine a work of historical fiction as I have seen. It has everything from sexual abuse to burying of body parts after surgery to helping slaves to get north to family conflicts. Throughout there is the heroism of women. I highly recommend it.
Where is their representative? Where is their memorial? Author Peggy Bell is the worthy representative and her book Fixin' Things is the fitting memorial. This fascinating and credible story of the Civil War as seen primarily through the eyes and experienced through the lives of the women of the time transports the reader into a ghastly world gone mad with the bloodletting gutspilling violence of insane men playing a tothedeath game of Kingofthe Hill. And through it all the women were there amazing women with strength resiliency and fortitude. Feeding nursing wading through the blood and guts bandaging mutilated men with strips torn off their petticoats they fought through the war with unmitigated valor.A wonderful piece of historical fiction Bell's Fixin' Things has everything you could want in a good tale a unique plot angle with twists and turns lots of intriguing subplots thickening and expanding the story remarkable characters brought to life and scene depictions that run the full gamut from tender and lovely to terrifying and horrific. The story of the Battle of Gettysburg as told in this book was the best I have ever read. This book is an excellent tribute to the women who loved their broken country mended it and nursed it back to life.
An EyeOpening Perspective I've read many books about the Civil War and several about the Battle of Gettysburg but I've never read one from the perspective of the women/noncombatants. It was chilling to watch them caught up into the maelstrom of battle as they were living their ordinary livesplanning a 4th of July picnic squabbling with their families trying to manage their farm. Without warning or preparation these women were thrust into the role of nurse hospital orderly cook undertaker while the cannons roared in their front yards and their floors beds and furniture were soaked in blood. I'll never see Gettysburg quite the same again.My only criticism is that the transitions from one character to another were very abruptat least in the kindle edition. I had to back up several times to figure out what was happening.Other than that an important and fascinating story.
War Descended Upon a Little Town For three days in July of 1863 war raged in and around the town of Gettysburg Pennsylvania. When it was over thousands of men on both the Union and Confederate sides of the conflict were dead or dying and the lives of the residents of Gettysburg were changed forever. Fixin' Things by Peggy UllmanBell is a tribute to those residents especially all the women who sacrificed their health their lives and their sanity to keep the [Gettysburg National Cemetery] from being a hundred times larger.The story centers on the Loren family and their near relations. Like many people who lived close to the MasonDixon Line their loyalties were mixed. The Loren women Kathin and her younger sister Megan secretly operated a station on the Underground Railroad. Kathin's sisterinlaw although born in Philadelphia thoroughly adopted the slaveowning society of Maryland where she lives with her husband Jason Mercer.
A Thunderous Book of Brave Women During the Civil War Peggy Ullman Bell is a fine writer as I discovered when I read her novel about the woman we know as Sappho Sappho Sings.WOMEN AT GETTYSBURG FIXIN' THINGS is an historical novel centered on one traumatic and historychanging battle in the American Civil War 18611865. The battle around Gettysburg Pennsylvania left 21000 men dead and wounded fertile land laid waste lives ruined. This book is not primarily a battlefield novel however except as events leading up to during and afterward affect the female protagonists.From the beginning the story brought to mind a line that has lingered in my mind since High School literature. Milton was not referring to war but that's what it has always made me think of They also serve who only stand and wait. Most of the war novels I have readand I went through a Civil War phase years agofocus on the soldiers the fighting the military.
Good subject poorly written The subject matter is one that should be written about. Gettysburg has a rich and horrible history. Women played a huge role in this battle. But they also did thru out the civil war. I found this story to be confusing. Ms Bell tried to cover to many womens topics for one small book. The book could have been great if she had simplified her story. Did we really have to have Sybil who seems to switch from a southern Colonels wife to a money grubbing inn keeper while ignoring her wounded husband who fought for the south but nobody tried to inprison him when the north won the war. There was no consistancy to this book it could have and should have been better.
Exceptional Exceptionally written. Author keeps you 'in' the action. Does a super job of letting you see through words the events of the time. Paints the picture well. The author's rendition of the women of Gettysburg is enlightening especially since we typically read only of men in times of war.
Excellent Historical Fiction Peggy Ullman Bell's second book does NOT disappoint! This is an excellent historical fiction from the author of Psappha a Novel of Sappho and will definitely be noticed! Well written vivid accurate historically a fascinating and exciting read. And a most enjoyable story of a young woman's coming of age. Ms. Bell's writing in this book as in Psappha takes you there and you can watch the story unfold! Hope to hear a LOT more from this Excellent author.
I would like to call your attention to the Second Edition of my novel I call the revised and augmented Second Edition my Author Preferred edition.
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