not a 5star book There are about 600 activities in the book instead of 2000 as the titile suggested. Most of the activities are just common sense. I don't know why the book received all 5star reviews.
the best This is by far the best activity book I have ever seen/used. I work with children so I always have to come up or event new activities. This makes my life so much easier. It is well put together fun for adults and children alike. Thank you for this book. I have even started sharing it with all the mothers I know. I highly recommend this to any one who has children or work with children.
Teaching curiosity selfcontrol kindness and other values Parents who have infants through age eight will welcome an activities book which pairs activities and games which take 530 minutes each with a focus on teaching curiosity selfcontrol kindness and other values. From a 'Scavenger Number Hunt' which involves common household items and can even be done in the grocery store. The 2000 Best Games & Activities is an excellent collection of lessons on how to be a better person couched as games.
Great gift for friends with kids / all parents I gave this book as a gift to my older sister to use with my niece age 9 and nephew age 5. My sister replied that she absolutely loved the book that there are so many creative fun and thoughtprovoking activities and games in here to keep both her kids busy entertained and engaged. She was very impressed with the book overall and for her to comment that her sometimes finicky kids are enjoying these activities says a lot. You'll be amazed at how many clever ideas are crammed into this little book. Many activities are so straightforward yet unique and thought inspiring just great for working out those young minds when they need it most.
Kid learning First time mother with no kid experience. Was a helpful tool for me. Gave me ideas on games and activities that would not only be fun for my toddler but would help him developmentally. Really had some good ideas. Would definitely recommend it for mothers who need a little help keeping their child occupied.
Use your common sense and save $10 As a future firsttime mom with no motherly instinct I thought this book would be a great help to help me figure out activities to do with baby. Unfortunately this book has not allowed me to reach my goal. All the baby activities are more than common sense. It's also a bit frustrating to see no age recommended for the baby activities. Babies grow quite a bit until they get into toddlerhood and so which one fits which stage? You won't know. All in all I didn't find this book useful but I analyzed it from a baby point of view only. It may be more useful for older kids but I don't think I'll get to read it. Not a keeper.
Lori Lots of things to do for differnt age groups. It's nice to find different books out there that help keeping kids occupied. Recommend.
Great book Book was a bit yellowed on the page edges but otherwise as described. Fast shipping too. Very happy with purchase.
Carry it in your back pocket! By A Customer This book is amazing! I knew within 20 minutes of using this book that I would do well to carry it in my back pocket. It is amazingly easy to locate just the right activity set it up and watch the learning take place. It also helps me to use spur of the moment opportunities to the fullest.
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