Saturday, March 10, 2012

Router Joinery Gary Rogowski Excellent, info-rich, fast-paced, organized & well-edited.

Router Joinery Detailed wellthoughtout and full of explinations I've looked around for a good book that explains how to make joints with a router. The others I've seen do not explain the whys and hows as well as this book does. There are pictures and very good drawings. One of the things I like most about this book is that it explains clearly the mechanics of jointery why should you choose this joint for this application and the strengths and weaknesses. It explains about how wood expands and contracts to effect the joint.The book is broken into three main parts 1 intro to routers 2 intro to joinery 3 joinery with the router. More than half the book is spend on this third section.In all this is the best book I've seen on routers and makeing joints with routers.
Router Joinery Fine Homebuilding DVD Workshop This simply the best DVD on using a router that I have seen. The DVD is a great value at twice the price. Gary makes using the router simple and easy to understand.
As useful as any tool I bought this book 'hot' off of my first project my Joints needed help and I loved to use the router the title just sold the book to me.I wouldn't clasify this book as a beginer book nor would I say it's an advanced book. However it does have something for everybody and it's very easy to follow.Personally I think that every beginer wanting to do more than plywood boxes should pick up a copy. It starts you out with basics of a router good to read before you buy one though not diffinitive in that area.This book really shines with all the stuff that a beginer doesn't know to worry about how different boards are sawn from the log and how that effects the way that they shrink/expand. How to plan your project so that the changing seasons do not cause it to self destruct.
just to get your attention Most of these reiews are for a book! The product shown is a video!Another comment on here says they are completely different!consider yourself warned.
More Gary Rogowski demonstrates a number of creative ways to use your router. This is a DVD that comes from a video tape master. There are good close ups. Gary answers questions such as why right to left and when to go in the other direction. We see a simple way to set up a router on a table and a number of old and new routers in use. Gary shows how and why to use different joining. Norm will show you. Gary explains why. For me a light bulb goes on and I say HUH Oh Yah! As I have said in other reviews this is great for people who don't have a mentor and who read the books but need that extra visual demonstration.This DVD is for New Guys and maybe some intermediates. In my case I haven't used the router in many years as I have been doing houses and decks. Now I am investing in machines for cabinets and furniture. For a wood butcher this is a great find. Taunton and Amazon have many more DVD's from framing to turning a bowl. I'm not ready for a lathe just yet. Need to do more with my router. When I am ready I feel comfortable in knowing I can get some good advice.
Easy to read and easy to follow. I came across this book originally in a bookstore. I thumbed through it and read bits and pieces. Then I got online and ordered itit was cheaperI've purchased several woodworking and handyman type books in the last 3 or 4 years and this book ranks up with the best. It is very easy to read and the author does not assume the reader has volumes of prior knowledge like some other books do. It starts out describing types of routers and bits moves onto what can be done with each type. And the segway into joinery is seamless. It is well written for both beginner and experienced woodworkers alike.
Excellent inforich fastpaced organized & welledited. The videography here is excellent with clear closeups and good elucidative cameraangles.The editing is great. We see just enough of each topic then the camera moves on. Multiple angles are used when needed. Focus is on the work the essentials of method NOT the toolbrand or any particular promotional gizmo.Gary Rogowski narrates this himself and does a fine job. His diction is clear and his pace is bright. In the entire series there is only one instance where I did not understand him perfectly the first time. Where he says carcasssides At first I thought this was a new word. Upon replaying I got the meaning two words joined together.The text is logical clear and very fastpaced. It MUST be fast paced because this covers so much ground in so little time. In fact if there is only one criticism I could possibly make it is that this is so chock full of useful information you will probably have to see it several times to get it all. That's OK though since the production is so good this is a pleasure to watch repeatedly.The format of Gary's teaching is splendid! He divides router joinery according to the general type of joinery used for different constructions Casework Frameandpanel and mortise & tenons for odd angles as are used in chairs stools and tables. By itself this organization helps tyros and experts alike understand how to choose the best type of joinery AND the best method when designing furniture. You will save time money and frustration if you understand your joinery options. Gary's logical gestalt organization is unique in this feature.Personally I like the fact that we ALWAYS see him unplug the router before adjustment or at least replugin the tool after adjustment before working. This is a far better intuitive way to inculcate that necessary safety habit and not nearly as annoying as those constant nags we see in televised content.
the thinking woodworker's router guide This is a good book. It's sort of written in theFine Woodworking magazine tradition of the 1970sand 1980s and the routers the author uses aremore primitive that the ones available today.You don't need a new whizbang tool to accomplishaccurate attractive joinery with a router. Infact Rogowski's cheapo router table is a welcomeantidote to the expensive tables you can buy today which as nice as they are don't make you a betterwoodworker.This book will in fact make you a better woodworkerbecause a thread of thoughtfulness runs through it.The jigs are mostly simple and easy to build and they depend on operator skill to get goodresults in general.You can invest a lot of money trying to set up yourwoodshop to get perfection in an idiotproof way an approach that is folly but more or less the thrustof a lot of the jigs and tools on the market today.If you want to putter around and make a perfectworkshop with the latest tools this is not for you.If you want to produce beautiful furniture with anold secondhand router a small collection of bitsa few handtools and a bandsaw you will find greatvalue here because this book most importantly showsyou how Rogowski thinks and that is very valuablebecause he is an excellent craftsman and he showsus the thought process that gets those results.Yeung Chan's book on power tool joinery is alsovery good but a little broader.
Excellent well thought out well presented excellent photography Mr. Rogowski has created an excellent demonstration of router joinery.
Much information to be gleaned! I can't think of anything to add that the prior reviewers didn't say already. It's very well written and easy to read and follow the diagrams. There are plans for versatile but simple to build and use jigs.This book has inspired my woodworking and also helped me simplify many processes.


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